Genshin Impact 2.1 Seirai Island Electroculus Location 1-10

Genshin Impact’s 2.1 Version has a lot of hidden Electroculus, which some of them are so hard to find by yourself. Here is the Genshin Impact Inazuma (Seirai Island) Electroculus Location 1-10

1.Use the electrogranum it well lead to a small inland. there the gate is, use gate to get to next main inland.

2.Complete the quest that will allow you to pick the elertcoculus.

>Puzzle guide link here

3.Use the electrograna instead

4.Complete the quest that will allow you to pick the elertcoculus.

>Puzzle guide link here

5.Solve nearby puzzle to unlock the gate below, then follow the electro seelie inside to activate electrogranum.

6.On the bridge

7.Underground, during quest with fujiwara toshiko.

>Puzzle guide link here<

8.Use the Electrogranum

9.Use the portal nearby teleport waypoint

10.Use the portal to go ​near the elctroculous to jump and glide

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